I miss him...
Selamat Hari lahir abah,
Moga tenang di alam sana,
He used to be a dad with a few words,
I can barely remember any to be honest,
kalau naik kereta berdua,
I'll be the one yang start our conversation,
I miss the feeling when he's around,
I miss how patient he was with us,
How he just can't say NO to us,
sanggup ambil anak dia dr asrama
wpun anak dia boleh balik sendiri naik bas
-That's why i'm sooo not independent type of "anak sulung"-
It's been 3 years,
the lost is just so overwhelming,
cause i'm losing the old me too,
I don't know how and why...

'Ala kulli hal,
Terima kasih Allah,
kerana masih sudi meminjamkan,
Emak dan adik2,
sahabat dan teman2...
I miss the old Me,
but I'm happy with who I am today,
Belajar mencari hikmah,
Kerana ia barang yang hilang dari orang2 mukmin...
Selamat Hari lahir abah,
Moga tenang di alam sana,
He used to be a dad with a few words,
I can barely remember any to be honest,
kalau naik kereta berdua,
I'll be the one yang start our conversation,
I miss the feeling when he's around,
I miss how patient he was with us,
How he just can't say NO to us,
sanggup ambil anak dia dr asrama
wpun anak dia boleh balik sendiri naik bas
-That's why i'm sooo not independent type of "anak sulung"-
It's been 3 years,
the lost is just so overwhelming,
cause i'm losing the old me too,
I don't know how and why...
'Ala kulli hal,
Terima kasih Allah,
kerana masih sudi meminjamkan,
Emak dan adik2,
sahabat dan teman2...
I miss the old Me,
but I'm happy with who I am today,
Belajar mencari hikmah,
Kerana ia barang yang hilang dari orang2 mukmin...